If you need assistance, call the Human Resources Dept. at 406-268-3701.
If an Employee is hospitalized, call the Human Resources Dept. at 406-268-3701.
Please fill out all sections the form below and click "Submit Report" when done. Most fields are required (you may omit the personal email address if you do not have one).
Your report has been successfully submitted to your supervisor.
If you provided an email address, a confirmation has been sent to that email. The EIR/FROI has been emailed to your supervisor for input; a confirmation email will be sent to your email (if provided) when the supervisor has completed the supervisor's section of the FROI and submitted it electronically. If you have not already done so, please discuss this incident with your supervisor.
You may print a copy of your completed portion by clicking the Printable View button and then printing the form. This printed copy is for your records only and is not for submission. Your supervisor must complete and submit the EIR/FROI electronically to finalize the claim filing process.
Your report has been successfully submitted to your supervisor.
You have elected to have your supervisor print this document for signature. The EIR/FROI has been emailed to your supervisor for input; a confirmation email will be sent to your email (if provided) when the supervisor has completed the supervisor's section of the FROI and submitted it electronically. Contact your supervisor immediately to finalize the EIR/FROI with both of your signatures and delivery to the campus claim coordinator. If you provided an email address, a confirmation has been sent to that email.
Please contact your supervisor immediately to finalize the EIR/FROI with both of your signatures.
You may print a copy of your completed portion by clicking the Printable View button and then printing the form. This printed copy is for your records only and is not for submission. Your supervisor must complete and submit the EIR/FROI electronically to finalize the claim filing process.